Get over it (fear)Get over it.

Love Eyes
2 min readDec 9, 2020

As easy as it sounds, real talk: its harder to do.

Our days tend to be dictated by what other people think. How will other eyes perceive my outfit today- will it make me look smaller? Larger? Shorter? Taller? What will other eyes interpret of my post-Will they like it? Comment on it? How will other eyes interpret my work- will they find it successful? Will they view it as a failure? And the list goes on….

Especially in the world of social media where it feels like all eyes are on you. But the truth is, no one is looking that deep into your post. (Unless it has a hidden message to a special, or not so special, someone).

You know that feeling, where you have feel like you have to post to exist in the virtual world. As real as it is it is bulls*&t.

Now that we acknowledged some realness

Here are some ways to get over fear

1- focus on YOUR EYES
This means you should focus your energy on yourself. On your perspective. Do you like what you’re doing? Does this outfit make you feel good- is it comfortable? Do you feel like a bad bi*&h? Do you really want that avocado toast (not just for the instagram post)? Do you want to scroll through someone else’s social media? Or do you wanna read a book and watch Netflix?

Focus on the lens you see yourself through. Do you see yourself though a loving lens? (Because if not, you gotta change your lease and see the real THING hiding behind the fog of any other lease) Are you proud of where you are today? (You should be- look at all the things you have overcome)

Now that you are focused on your eyes…

2-See with Love

Take a minute to take a deeeeeep breath. Now close your eyes and when you open them look in detail at something infant of you. Whatever it is, find the beauty in it. Love it. Do you see the ocean right now and the beauty in it? Or do you see a stained coffee mug that held your morning drink in the morning which energized you? Do you see its beauty.

Now that you see with love…

….do whatever the f*&k you want. # LoveEyes

(As long as it is not hurtful to other people)

Originally published at on December 9, 2020.



Love Eyes

Love 🧿 Eyes Welcome to love.eyes. 🧿 A mindset. A lifestyle. A style. We will be talking all things fashion, beauty, and love. 🍾 Stay tuned…..🥂